As we would soon learn, one of Louis Long's favourite sayings was "you can’t judge a book by its cover" and in actual fact, Louis’ initial appearance was deceiving and our imagination could never have been capable of conjouring up such a unique and friendly character. Louis may have looked slightly young for his age, but in actual fact he was a 26 year old, newlywed, walking encyclopedia, who had guided foreigners for three years and possessed a wisdom and maturity beyond his years. Louis had a brilliant sense of humour, was passionate about China and Sichuan food and was a very easygoing, affable bloke, whose favourite pastime was spotting beautiful Chinese ladies (or ‘menures’ as he called them) from the car. Although he claimed that his wife was his number one menure, the ‘menure hunter’ as we nicknamed him, didn’t mind us driving late into the night, never complained when dinner or lunch was put on hold (despite his enormous appetitie) and was always happy to sit or sleep anywhere – even when he was cooped up into the back of Miranda.
Although Louis’ strongpoint wasn’t navigation, he would always scurry around for us and eagerly caterpault himself out of and into the back of Miranda, sometimes four times on one, 1km straight stretch of road to confirm (and reconfirm) the correct direction of travel with any local passersby. We assumed such a conversation would ordinarily take 20 seconds, something like “hi how’s it going, I was wondering if you could tell me where the A11 highway is” followed by “sure no problem, just turn right at the next set of traffic lights” but Louis was a great people person. Instead the conversation took a minimum of three minutes, during which Louis and the stranger he had asked directions from, engaged in a lengthy conversation. It appeared they discussed the directions first, testament to the fact that they began wildly gesticulating in all directions but then they appeared to calm down and begin asking each other personal questions: perhaps how their respective families were going, what their Chinese horoscopes were, and how the story of their lives began. Sometimes they exchanged a joke or appeared to get into a lively debate. In any case by the time Louis returned to our car, he and the stranger looked like the best of friends and we were only slightly clearer as to which direction we should be heading in. Sometimes for insurance purposes it was typical of Louis to simply invite his newly acquired soulmate into the back of Miranda and they would cooperatively direct us in the right direction, whilst happily chattering to each other the entire way.
Louis was was absolutely enthusiastic and grateful for everything. Whenever I cooked him some two minute pot noodles, or presented him with a bowl of sloppy oats, he made me undeservingly feel like Jamie Oliver as he ravaged the food in minutes and complimented me like it was the best meal he had ever eaten.
Here is an excerpt from a recent e-mail he sent us testament to this fact:
“ acturally ,I like the prases you taught me "what goes on the trip stays on the trip, shit happens, touch wood and so on" they are very useful ,so thanks again ,yes "right" is a funny word I will use it more often when I'm on the tour. as for the 20 questions game is also very interesting I like it very much and it of course will do a great help to my latter work. so thanks for the 3rd time!”
Of course we also delighted in picking up his catch phrases. Whenever he started a new sentence he would always precede it with “Yes”. Whenever he described something it was always preceded by "very, very" or "many, many" and he loved to finish every statement as though it was a question by saying "right?" e.g. “Yes shizer we are in Chengdu today where the shit has hit the fan and that is great because there are many, many, very, very beautiful girls there...right"? Another amusing catch phrase was used whenever he couldn’t remember what he was going to say next. In these cases he would suddenly pause and shout “it’s something like...WHAT??” to which Col would shout back “I don’t know...WHAT?”
Louis helped us so much with our mechanical troubles and never ceased to amuse or entertain us. We were lucky to have scored such a cool guide on our voyage through China and thought we’d dedicate a blog post to him. “’s something like...WHAT... Louis you are very, very great ...RIGHT”?
Ben would like to point out that Louis has one serious case of Ghost @*%! sitting behind Col in Miranda... x