Sabaidee (hello) everyone,
Here is a very quick update. We still haven't moved on, because we are still waiting for Miranda to be fixed. Our injector pump was sent to an injector pump specialist in the UK to be calibrated. HOWEVER, as our pump is very unique (apparently) the specialist was unable to fix it, so it has been sent to another specialist in Reading. All of which means that we are now nearly 2 months behind our schedule and we might have to wait another week or two before we are on the road again. Although this is incredibly frustrating we are remaining patient.
On the plus side we are beginning to feel like locals here. We’re best of friends with our Tuk Tuk driver who ferries us around in the back of a Tuk Tuk and the dogs in town no longer bark at me in my wheel chair. In fact, they've got so use to me they barely manage to peel one eyelid open as a wheel past.
The only other news is Chrissy is going out with a Lao man who is called Iwaz Wonzawoman. Only joking……..I just thought I’d write something slightly interesting for you.
Bye bye for now.
Ps Just incase you didn't know that you shouldn't stand on the toilet seat to carry out your business here is a public notice for you. 'Toilet Awareness' Go - Enjoy it!
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